I am honoured to be seeking re-election as your County Councillor. As a passionate champion of village life, I’ve served this community for over fifteen years being a Parish, District and County Councillor. In 2013-14, I became Mayor of St Albans City & District, then the Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Culture, Sport and Leisure overseeing the development of the new Museum+Gallery, then the new Harpenden Leisure Centre and Eric Morecambe theatre that will serve our villages.
I am fiercely championing safe cycle routes between all our communities and support appropriate 20mph schemes. Battles won include reinstating the Redbourn school bus service and securing free bus travel to KWS for all Wheathampstead pupils. I’ve encouraged Tesco to fund an extension to its loading bay in Wheathampstead to improve traffic flow, won funding from the Police and Crime Commissioner to explore speed cameras on the Redbourn Road and have funded all new village speed indicator smiley face devices.
Currently, I am Hertfordshire’s Deputy Cabinet Member for Public Health & Prevention, with COVID-19 being the major challenge over the last year. I Vice-Chair Luton Airport’s Consultative Forum and am fighting to reduce historic low flying impacts on our villages, particularly unacceptable in Sandridge and outlying parts of Redbourn and Wheathampstead.
I thank you for your continued trust and support.
Get in Touch with Annie
Address: Fairways, Firs Drive, Wheathampstead, AL4 8LB
Telephone: 01438 832255