Driving Covid Recovery We will work urgently with public sector partners to address the consequences of the pandemic. We will: join up employment programmes and support people back...
Delivering a Sustainable Future We will be a net zero carbon county before 2050. We will. commit to being carbon neutral by 2030 across the Council’s own operations; provide £22m for...
Helping us all to stay healthy Our health is not just about the care we receive from the NHS. We will work ever more closely with the NHS to establish a truly integrated care system continue...
Investing in children, families and our most vulnerable residents We are ambitious for our children and want our older residents and those with additional needs to live happy and independent lives. We will invest £53m in...
Securing infrastructure our communities need With responsibilities for transport and school places, we will; deliver 10,536 new school places over the next 4 years provide £7m to roll out 20mph zones use...
Sharing in Hertfordshire’s growth and prosperity The Hertfordshire Growth Board is the way the county is now working together to manage growth. We will: deliver the homes we want and can afford secure the...